The Health Benefits of Owning Your Own Treadmill

We all know that exercise is good for us, but many of us struggle with finding time to go to the gym. The answer might be to stop trying and find a way to exercise at home, anytime that works for you. Many busy people just like you get all the benefits of exercise with their own treadmill . There are many options available and there's a treadmill for every budget. So let's say you do this; you get yourself a treadmill and you start exercising at least 15 minutes a day, 3 to 5 days per week. What can you expect in terms of results, and how long should it take? The 'how long' is the easiest question to answer. It depends a lot upon how often you exercise, as well as the intensity and duration. If you really dedicate yourself you'll start to feel better all over within days. Discipline your diet and you can see significant weight loss and much greater energy levels after just a few weeks. Obviously, if you have less time to commit to it, and work out at a ...