Staying in Shape With a Busy Schedule The Treadmill Solution

We all want to be in shape, and we recognize as well the health benefits of regular exercise, but how do we do that when we work long days, day in and day out? If you're a busy professional, you may be frustrated in your attempts to get in shape and stay healthy by your overly busy schedule. Many days, you wouldn't be able to take an hour off to go to a gym anyway, and by the time you can finally leave the office, the local gym is closed. At the same time, you're getting tired of having to buy successively larger sizes of clothing, being winded when you arrive for important meetings and finding yourself exhausted at the end of every day - and sometimes even at the start of the next one. You know that getting in shape would help with all of this, but how to find the time? An in-office treadmill may be the answer you're looking for. It fits neatly and unobtrusively in a corner of the office, either yours or perhaps in an unused space such as an empty office....